The KCSJ Diocesan summer campers held their day of reflection and Holy Hours at the Mir House grounds and chapel this June. The high school campers got to immerse themselves in the presence of God and His Eucharistic Face during a day of adoration, prayer, song, and community. Deo Gratias for Him and His Infinite Love.
The Chapel is closed for the Triduum - Holy Thursday noon until Easter Sunday noon No Eucharistic Adoration during this time. Chapel is open 3:00 - 4:00 PM on Good Friday and Holy Saturday for the Divine Mercy Novena only.
Have you spent time in prayer, maybe at the chapel, praying for vocations? Maybe for more priests in general or for some young man specifically? Here is a great opportunity for young men to spend some time learning and nurturing that calling in the fellowship of others who might be called the same way. Please share this link to any young man ages 16-25 who might benefit from some time getting to reflect more on the calling to priesthood.
We hope you have all had a blessed year. As we near the end we would ask that you prayerfully consider making a donation to Mir House. We are a non-profit and 100% dependent on your donations to keep our mission alive. If you would like to donate online you can find us at Paypal by using @mirhouse or you can mail a check to 6492 NE St. Route 6, St. Joseph, MO 64507. Thank you and have a great new year.